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Coping With Situations Out Of Your Control

There are many things in life that are out of our control. Some things are easier than others to accept; traffic laws, how others drive or the options available at a restaurant. But over the last few months the types of uncontrollable things can feel overwhelming. From being told where you can go, what’s deemed essential, if you’re allowed to go to work and the recent tension in the news that has filled the country.

With so much going on that no one has control over, how can you cope in a healthy way with all of this added stress? And what exactly are coping mechanisms? Coping mechanisms are used to manage an external situation that is creating problems for a person. 

Types of Coping Mechanisms


  • Talking about stressful things with someone can be an effective way to manage stress. Seeking external support (counseling) instead of internalizing can greatly reduce the negative effects of a difficult situation. 


  • Any type of relaxing activity can help people cope with stress. These may include meditation, yoga or other calming techniques like connections with nature or listening to soft music.


  • This coping mechanism involves identifying a problem that is causing stress then putting into action some potential solutions for managing it.


Making light of a stressful situation may help people maintain perspective and prevent the situation from becoming overwhelming.


Exercise is a natural and healthy form of stress relief. Running, yoga, walking and many other types of physical activity can help people cope with stress and the aftereffects of traumatic events.

Using these coping skills can greatly reduce stress and the urge to cope in unhealthy ways such as drinking alcohol, using substances or becoming withdrawn. It can also be very helpful to limit your exposure to the news or social media. These outlets often sensationalize the information to get higher ratings and that can cause unnecessary stress and drama for you. 

It’s important to stay healthy and take precautions for your health.

If stress begins to impact your daily life and taking breaks or connecting with loved ones doesn’t help, reach out get support. There are mental health professionals here to work with you every step of the way and online support groups. Learn more about our mental health programs.


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