Holiday Spotlight: What is Kwanzaa?
Holiday Spotlight: What is Kwanzaa and how is it celebrated? Kwanzaa is a holiday celebrated each December, from the 26th to January 1st. However, it may be surprising to know […]
Cheryl: A Supported Employment Success Story
Cheryl: A Supported Employment Success Story Prior to becoming employed in June 2020, Cheryl had been seeking work for a little over two years. She disclosed that before deciding to […]
Holiday Spotlight: What is Chanukah (Hanukkah)?
Holiday Spotlight: What is Chanukah (Hanukkah)? There are many holidays celebrated around the world and at times around in our own neighborhood. One of the more common holidays in December […]
Essential Oils for Alcohol Addiction | Do They Really Work?
Essential Oils for Alcohol Addiction (Use Disorder) | Do They Really Work? There are many ways to approach alcohol withdrawal, detox and to reduce alcohol cravings. Treatment facilities generally offer […]
How to Help during a Mental Health Crisis
Chances are you know someone who has been through a mental health crisis. Perhaps you weren’t there when things got rough, but there is a very high possibility that one […]
Seasonal Affective Disorder – Ways to Cope
It’s the first of December, which means many people are experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as S.A.D. Think about the things fall and winter months are good for. They […]
Thanksgiving: Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving History Thanksgiving is a holiday with a lot of symbolism and history. It began in 1621 when English colonists (Pilgrims) who came to Plymouth shared dinner with the Wampanoag […]
Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress
The holiday season is here and is typically full of fun activities, family and great food. However, holiday stress can overwhelm; especially during a pandemic. Small amounts of stress can […]
Benefits of Smoking Cessation
Its common knowledge that tobacco causes cancer and creates problems for those around you that don’t smoke created from second hand smoke. But what are the other benefits come from […]
Five Health Benefits of Pumpkin
It’s that time of year where there is pumpkin just about everywhere you turn. Pumpkin spice everything, carving pumpkins and pumpkins for baking. But how healthy is it? What are […]