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Lifeline Connections

youth programs

Youth Programs in Schools: How They Help

Youth programs in schools

Did you know that Lifeline Connections has youth programs in school across schools in Clark County? When our younger population begins to enter adulthood, they experience a lot of change and stress, both at home and at school. Many don’t have the skills they need to cope. Additionally, substance use frequently overlaps with mental health disorders.

Our program is designed to help children and adolescents address family issues, find success in school, establish new, healthy coping skills and understand what substance use and mental health disorders are. Our counselors provide a safe, confidential place to heal.

Teens and Substance Use

Did you know that regardless of alcohol being illegal for adults under 21, people from 12 to 20 years of age consume about one-tenth of all alcohol in the US? This accounts for so many teens and substance use disorder they face each year.

How does it begin?

Whether in the form of drugs or alcohol, substance use disorder is a growing concern among teenagers. What usually begins as experimentation or peer pressure can turn into a substance use disorder that can destroy young lives. Once it develops, treatment is often the only option that can help a teen to stop using drugs or alcohol.

Biological Factors

Genetics play a frequent role in because they can predispose an individual to addictive type behaviors and enhance the physical basis of substance use disorder. Teenagers who are genetically predisposed may be more inclined to continue using a drug after experimenting.

Social Factors

The teen years increase the role of social pressure which can influence the misuse of drugs or alcohol. Peer pressure to experiment or exposure to family and friends who misuse substances can entice a teen to try drugs and alcohol for themselves. Stress from academic, social and/or family life can also affect their choices and studies have shown that teenagers who have high stress are twice as likely as their low-stress peers to use illegal drugs, drink or smoke. Combined with peer pressure stress can be a powerful driver in leading a teen to develop a substance use disorder.

Psychological Factors

There are many mental health and psychological stressors that can put teens at risk. The mental health disorders most frequent co-occurring include depression, anxiety and bipolar disorders. All of these mental health disorders manifest during the teen years. Psychological stressors such as childhood neglect, abuse or any kind of trauma can also increase the likelihood of misusing substances as well. If a teen has not dealt with underlying psychological issues, drugs and alcohol may be used as a coping mechanism. Hormonal fluctuations and body changes increase stress and may further weaken their ability to cope with psychological issues.

What Can You Do?

The number one thing parents can do is stay involved and be aware what you teen is doing wither it’s online or with friends. There is a balance of giving your teenager independence while having healthy rules and boundaries.

Have open conversations while you spend quality time together. Explain the negative effects of substances and why it’s especially harmful to their developing brain. It can help to do these things when you are on a walk or driving because with less eye contact they may feel there is less judgment. Connect with their teachers, coaches and their friend’s parents. When a parent is involved in many areas of their teenager’s life it develops a stronger, more trusting bond.

Focus on Prevention

There are many causes of substance use disorder but being aware of the reasons is an important part of prevention.  Despite the large number of risk factors, teenagers can be positively influenced by parents and loved ones to avoid the damaging cycle of substance use disorder.  Become involved in your teenager’s life, offer support, encouragement and a listening ear.  A strong relationship with your child can be one of the greatest protective factors for your teenager.

Treatment for Your Teen

If a teen you know does develop a substance use disorder, they need to receive treatment quickly. We have many youth programs. In addition, there are many substance use treatment centers that specialize in helping teens. Lifeline specializes with teens involved in Clark County Juvenile Recovery Court. If you are in Oregon and Washington seeking substance use treatment for your teen please contact the professional team at Lifeline Connections. You can visit or call (360) 397-8246 for more information.

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