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Lifeline Connections

holiday stress

Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress

The holiday season is here and is typically full of fun activities, family and great food. However, holiday stress can overwhelm; especially during a pandemic. Small amounts of stress can help accomplish goals, increase motivation and help with a person’s memory. High amounts of stress take a toll on your immune system along with your physical and mental health. During stress-prone times it is very important to do what you can to maintain a healthy level of stress.

Identify the cause of your stress

There are many different reasons that cause high of levels of stress. It’s crucial to take a step back and see what the true cause is. That will allow you to decide what the best step(s) you can take to help reduce it.

Create schedules and checklists

To minimize stress and last minute or tasks, make a checklist to prioritize them. This can help you be more efficient and create a momentum fueled with positivity, as cross off the things you have completed from your checklists.

Take some time for yourself

It is important in our busy lives to find the time to take care of ourselves. Whether that’s sitting and relaxing for a few minutes, watching a movie, taking a bath or spending time with friends. Setting aside time each day to collect yourself will help bring things into perspective with what you want to accomplish. Even just ten minutes a day can help you recuperate and prepare for the days ahead.

Exercise or practice meditation

Exercise reduces susceptibility to stress and helps boost your immune system. This can be one of the many ways you can take time for yourself and to distract yourself from the stresses you are experiencing. Relaxation can involve anything from listening to calming music, trying yoga, meditation or deep breathing exercises.

Set reasonable goals

Form a set of attainable goals. With larger goals you can break them up into smaller goals. Similarly as you check the small pieces off along the way, it helps you feel accomplished. This can make all the difference in the prevention of being overwhelmed.

Even if you’ve never experienced a mental health disorder before, practicing these steps each day will help you begin to cope.

If you or someone you know is working through a mental health disorder, like depression or anxiety, please contact the professional team at Lifeline Connections. You can visit, our Services & Locations information or call (360) 397-8246 for more information. We offer mental health outpatient programs customized plans for your needs. Some may include individual and group therapy, peer support and opportunities to learn various wellness skills.

Our caring counselors, clinicians and psychiatric professionals will be with you every step of your journey. Learn more about our mental health programs.


Mayo Clinic


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