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Lifeline Connections

sober-living program

Tips to Find the Right Sober-Living Program for You

The right sober-living program for you

What is a sober-living program and how do you find the best one? These programs help you take what you learned in treatment and create new habits and routines. In addition, sober-living programs provide a supportive community to help you learn to manage triggers and engage in coping skills.

Sober-living program types


A supervised sober-living program is generally licensed through the providing agency and has clearly defined policies and procedures. In addition to participating in group activities or required support meetings many provide clinical services and typically UA screenings are standard.


In these homes it’s typically run by a senior resident that holds other occupants accountable to the rules of the house. UA screenings are common and house meetings take place in a democratic style fashion.


These programs are highly structured and more times than not a transitional setting for those either still in intensive treatment or coming from an institution. The employees that work in these homes are credentials and UA screenings are mandatory.


A lot of the times these are apartments or single-family homes and are monitored by a senior resident or house manager with at least one as an employee. Peer-run groups and house meetings are common and UA screenings are mandatory as well.

The length of stay varies greatly between all of the various sober-living programs along with the out of pocket monthly costs. Some facilities require a minimum number of days/months in recovery while some are flexible and will work with you.

How to find a sober-living program

Since many people enter these programs after treatment, the majority have a referral through their counselor or clinician. Others have found sober-living through word of mouth at support groups.

Do you want help?

Everyone’s recovery journey is unique. Once out of treatment it’s important to work with your counselor on next steps because it allows the individual to stay on target with their recovery goals.

Here at Lifeline Connections, we offer all of these things with our substance use treatment services and recovery community. Additionally our compassionate counselors are a phone call away to help you start your recovery journey. Call (360) 397-8246 ext. 30500 to schedule an appointment for your assessment today.

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