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Lifeline Connections

thanksgiving history

Thanksgiving History

Do you know the Thanksgiving history?

Thanksgiving history is said to have begun in 1621. It is a holiday with a lot of symbolism and variation. When the English colonists (Pilgrims) came to Plymouth, they shared dinner with the Wampanoag people. The Wampanoag surprised the colonists and the two groups shared and contributed to a feast over a few days’ time. Thanksgiving was celebrated as a religious holiday, giving thanks to God for the previous year’s blessings. However it took a long time before it was fully adopted as a national holiday and celebrated by all states. Finally, Roosevelt issued a proclamation in 1942 designating the fourth Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving history evolves

As time grew, the Thanksgiving history grew and evolved as well with different traditions although food was always a large part due to the reference to bountiful harvests. Did you know that breaking the wishbone dates back to the Romans? By the time the English colonists brought it to America it was a well-known tradition that has carried on throughout the years. Some families keep the religious aspect to giving thanks while others focus on the gratitude of family, friends, wealth and other good things in their lives.

Thanksgiving food

Most meats including turkey and venison were prominent at the first Thanksgiving table and the turkey remains the focal point in most households. Other dishes that have evolved include cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. The Native Americans introduced early settlers to the gourd, so it’s likely they ate boiled pumpkin. Additionally, cranberries grew wild in the New England bogs so they may have used it in stews or stuffing. Sugar was fairly scarce so it wasn’t likely they ate the cranberries on their own.

Celebrating Thanksgiving

With the ongoing effects of the pandemic the holiday may look different to some. However there are still many things to be thankful for. Take a look around and appreciate who is next to you. Be grateful for those people. Similarly, celebrate the small things. For example food, a job or a phone to be able to call loved ones. During times of stress like many have experienced this last year and a half, it is helpful to close your eyes, take a deep breath and stay focused on what you can control and take a moment each day to find three things you are grateful for before getting out of bed.

The more you place deliberate intention on having a positive mindset, the happier and more grateful you will feel.

We are thankful for our patients, our community partners and for each and every Lifeline employee and their continued passion to serve those in our community.

However you choose to celebrate this holiday, we wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving!

Help with stress, anxiety or substance use

If you or someone you needs support, contact us. Lifeline Connections offers an integrated, holistic approach that includes therapy and case management. In addition, our doctors specialize in the treatment of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders.

Above all, they can work to design a custom plan for wellness.  Additionally, secure treatment is over the phone or computer with telehealth, providing coping skills for grief, loss, depression and anxiety. In short, they will work with you one-on-one to get you feeling better. So, contact us and reclaim your life.

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