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pride month

Pride Month: What is it?

June is Pride Month

Pride Month began as a march in New York City on June 28, 1970. This was one year after the Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a six day series of events that began in the early morning hours as police officers in plainclothes came to the Stonewall Inn with a search warrant to raid the place looking for signs of illegal alcohol sales.

Many of the people the police interrogated were released but one Inspector ordered that all “cross-dressing” individuals be detained. Some were able to escape but several were arrested and a resistance went on through the night until roughly 4am on June 28th.

By the next evening word was out and thousands of protested came to Stonewall and the surrounding areas. These protests lasted throughout the week and were a catapult to the bringing awareness to terrible treatment this community endures.

Pride Month Traditions

Pride Month is for everyone to embrace, accept and love who they are and let the world know. The rainbow symbolizes colorful activities during the month long celebration. Many traditions include parades, workshops and concerts.

Additionally there are memorials held for members of the community that have lost their lives due to hate crimes and HIV/AIDS. There are also rallies to promote the well-being of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) community.

How Can You Celebrate?

Find events in your community that celebrate Pride Month. For example, many coffee shops and even cities will hold parades and concerts all month long. Also, know that it’s not just for those in the LGBTQ community. It’s also for its allies.

So go out and show your support to all of those around within your local area and be sure to invite your friends. Pride Month is about love, friendship and acceptance for everyone!

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