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Lifeline Connections

patient success story

Maggie – Patient Success Story – October 2020 – Aberdeen

Patient success story from Aberdeen, WA

At Lifeline Connections we help a lot of patients. Today we have a very unique patient success story to share of a middle age woman that was released from prison and very adamant that she did not want to go back, ever. Her charges involved drugs and this made it one of her obstacles to be able to gain employment, housing or meet her basic needs from day to day.

Maggie’s patient success story

Maggie had left her children with her mother while she battled her addiction and get to some kind of stable life again after prison. She was homeless after her release and struggled with addiction daily from living this lifestyle. Trying to find some kind of softness in her daily life, she lived on the river in the homeless camp until it was moved to tent city.

Homelessness continues

She remained in tent city over the winter and battled to stay clean from substance use. Every day was difficult to get up and just survive for her; going to the library to find shelter and resources to job search all week; knowing that she did not have dry clothes or a way to shower and clean up to look presentable for a job was reality.

Maggie’s perseverance

Maggie would share this story day after day and week after week in her counselor’s office as she looked for hope and a purpose to keep her goals. She worked hard to focus on her recovery of mental health and substance use. Additionally, after some encouragement to have a mental health evaluation, she finally carried that process out. Maggie was seen, diagnosed and began treatment for her co-occurring disorders. Slowly her life began to brighten. She would come and “freshen up” in the agency bathroom and change cloths so that she could apply for jobs.

Employment hurdles bring success

She began work at one job and but lost it for drinking a soda before paying for it. She was losing hope again. With a little more positive encouragement and another pep talk she went searching for another job. And she was looking and applying for a home. Maggie worked with her counselors and was got into clean and sober housing. They all worked together to get her funding through HARPS and got her feet on the ground. Maggie is a true patient success story.

After three months of weekly mental health, substance use  and pure effort on her part, Maggie has remained in clean and sober housing. In addition she reconnected with family, purchased a bicycle for transportation and has a purpose to get up every day and is grateful to be alive. She has self-esteem and pride as she has lost weight as a bonus and is a success story.

It takes a tribe to build each other up and make success possible. One person cannot accomplish all of the hurdles alone. Maggie is now be a positive ray of light for those that encounter in their own recovery journey.

Do you want help?

Everyone’s recovery journey is unique. Once out of treatment it’s important to work with your counselor on next steps because it allows the individual to stay on target with their recovery goals.

Here at Lifeline Connections, we offer all of these things with our substance use treatment services and recovery community. Additionally our compassionate counselors are a phone call away to help you start your recovery journey. Call (360) 397-8246 ext. 30500 to schedule an admit appointment.


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