Understanding Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) is formally known as a neurodevelopmental disorder; this means that the differences in the brain structure, activity, and function occurred sometime during development causing abnormalities in […]
World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day (October 10th) is an international acknowledgement of the variety of mental health issues that are prevalent across the world, and how extensively they can affect our […]
October 2nd is International Non-violence Day – A day to talk about bullying
October 2nd is international non-violence day; a day to spread awareness of bullying and how to address bullying in all of its contexts. Bullying is very common, especially in schools […]
Tips for personal self-awareness
Self-awareness has become a common concept in our modern society, but what is it and how can it help us in our day-to-day lives? Self-awareness can be integral to maintaining […]
September is National Recovery Month
September is the National Recovery Month for Substance Use. The highlight of this month is to recognize the importance of mental health and the possibility of recovery for many individuals. […]
Suicide Prevention Week – Awareness and Prevention
The week of Sept 10th is National Suicide Prevention Day, and the week of Sept 10th is suicide prevention week which is dedicated to helping spread awareness and resources to […]
Six Different Manifestations of Depression
Although depression is a common diagnosis, it is a very complicated disorder. The single word “depression” can refer to a variety of different manifestations of the same disorder. There are […]
How to Befriend Stress. Part 3: Choosing the difficult, but more purposeful life
In Part 1 of this series on befriending stress, I described the “fight or flight” response to stressful situations. In Part 2, new approaches and attitudes towards stress were encouraged […]
Immunization Awareness
The immunization debate has been coming to the forefront of public conversation for several times over the last decade. August is known as the national immunization awareness month, to spread […]
How to Befriend Stress: How our attitudes toward stress change everything
Part 2: How our attitudes towards stress change everything When people experience stressful events on a more regular basis, the body may begin to recognize this high cortisol level as […]