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drink more water

3 Tips to Drink More Water

Tips to drink more water – how to make it easy

Do you drink enough water? Do you know how much water or un-caffeinated liquids you should drink each day? Why should you? We have outlined easy ways for you to drink more water each day to maintain optimal health.

How much water should you drink each day?

Most people do not drink nearly enough water each day. The human body is 60% – 75% of water. Therefore, you should drink at least half your body weight in ounces each day. It’s even better if you have more. Meaning, 100% of your body weight in water is the most ideal.

Now while that may be difficult for some, we’ve outlined tips below to help drink more water a bit easier.

Add fresh fruit or cucumber to the water

When you add wedges of citrus fruits or pieces of cucumber it will make water taste a lot more appealing. And if something tastes good everyone is much more likely to have more of it.

Set a daily goal

Many people are goal-oriented and setting a daily goal can help achieve or beat the amount of water you drink. However, it’s best to start with a small, reasonable goal and work your way up.

Create a routine

When you create a routine it can soon become a habit. For example, plan to drink at least one full glass (10-16 ounces) before each meal. If you eat three meals a day that easily can become 30-48 ounces. It also helps to drink a full glass of water first thing in the morning and before bed. With those two simple, new routines that can accomplish your goal in itself.

Why is water important?

Aside from our bodies being made up of mostly water; it’s an important part of digestion. Your body needs water to digest food, especially protein. Additionally the more you drink, the more you flush toxins from your liver and kidneys. Further, water helps your body absorb the minerals and vitamins it needs into the bloodstream.

The healthier your digestive system is, the happier you’ll be. Your digestion is directly related to mood and in these shorter days when it can be less motivating to be active this is an easy adjustment.

What if I still need help feeling motivated?

Lifeline Connections is committed to helping you live a better life. We provide services customized to fit your needs and desires for what you want to get out of rehabilitation. If you or a loved one lives in the Vancouver, WA or Portland, OR areas and are in need of residential care, outpatient care or care for mental health conditions please contact us.

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