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Lifeline Connections

SURV winter warmth drive

Winter Warmth Results

Our first Winter Warmth Drive has wrapped up and we have some amazing results!

Thank you to everyone for your generous giving and support of our Winter Warmth Drive! We collected dozens of bags and bins totaling 1065 items including: 57 pairs of gloves, 97 hats, 124 Jackets, 126 Blankets and 212 pairs of socks. These items are being distributed throughout our organization and truly ARE making an impact on the people we serve.

Sobering Urgency Response Van

Did you know we have a Sobering Urgency Response Van (SURV)? Our SURV team played a large role in distributing donations as they come in to our facility. SURV works with law enforcement and local hospitals in Clark County to transport intoxicated people to Lifeline Connections’ Sobering Unit; a place where they can be safe, warm and dry while they recover from intoxication.

SURV also reaches out to folks living on the streets who may need encouragement to consider treatment. When they’re not yet ready to take that first step, SURV provides things they may need to keep them safer. We want them to know we care and will be there when they’re ready.

Staff Testimonial

“Last night was BEAUTIFUL. We were able to give away a couple of coats and blankets. We stopped by Leverich Park and just when we were leaving, a young gentleman came out of the woods on a bike with chattering teeth, burnt red hands from the cold, wearing only a Levi jacket and T-shirt. We gave him the usual hygiene kit, water, wound kit, etc. for which he was very grateful. When I pulled out a coat and asked him to try it on, his face was priceless. It fit perfect! I said, “Wow, that coat was totally in this van for you!” He just grinned ear to ear and teared up. He probably said thank you five times. I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to be able to be part of the amazing SURV team.”

Our SURV team, staff, volunteers and community deserve many thanks for the various ways they helped make this drive such a huge success!

Do you still have a jacket you want to donate? The Burlington Coat Drive is going until January 20th for more information.

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