Ways to Support Your Loved One in Recovery
How can you support your loved one in recovery?
If you have a loved one in recovery you can do many things to show them you are in their corner and ready to provide support. Even something that seems as simple as asking about their experiences and what made them decide to enter recovery shows a vested interest. The more you understand, the better connected you will be and the more you can continually provide support.
Learn about their specific road to recovery
The more you know and understand about their recovery the more you can be supportive. For example, if their previous substance use disorder was primarily opiates, make sure you know ahead of time what you should and shouldn’t keep in the home. Even those in long term recovery can be triggered by a prescription bottle. Have conversations ahead of time if a procedure is coming up and how to handle any pain management. Or if they are recovering from an alcohol use disorder; it’s best to have an alcohol-free home and create boundaries if you go out to dinner.
Give honest feedback when asked
If your loved one asks you a question, answer it honestly. Recovery is about being honest, upfront, and not hiding anything. If you expect them to be upfront you must return the courtesy. Be respectful and kind, but always honest.
Be available with a true desire to help
Learn what your loved one’s triggers are so you know ahead of time. This will help the two of you create a plan of how to either avoid the trigger or handle it when the time comes.
Stay positive to support your loved one in recovery
Regardless of how involved you are in your loved one’s recovery, stay positive. Meaning, let them know when you are proud of them and the huge accomplishment recovery is. If you see a positive change that is a result of their recovery – let them know. It’s important for them to know you see they are making healthy, positive choices in their life.
What if they need additional treatment?
Lifeline Connections commits to long-term wellness for our patients. For example, we offer an integrated, holistic approach that includes substance use disorder treatment, therapy, and case management. Our doctors specialize in the treatment of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, working to solve ones that have a compounding effect. Contact us and reclaim your life.
Secure treatment is over the phone or computer with telehealth, providing coping skills for grief, loss, depression and anxiety. Moreover, they will work with you one-on-one to get you feeling better.
Updated 4/20/2023