September’s Camp Mariposa – Mission Success!
Camp Mariposa was envisioned to provide kids in SW Washington directly impacted by substance abuse disorders a place where they can transform.
The first camp wrapped up last weekend. After seeing the positive impact it had on the group of 21 kids, we wait with excited anticipation for the next camping weekend– November 8-10.
This is a traditional camp with many indoor and outdoor activities, but led by mental health professionals and trained mentors. Among hiking, sports and guided activities there are support exercises that give these campers tools to help them know they’re not alone and how to respond.
Thanks to the generous community support, the participants are able to come without cost to themselves or their families. Everyone attending Camp Mariposa was eager to come back in November.
“My daughter was so moved by the camp,” said one mother, “and I’ve already told another mom I know who wants to sign her daughters up for the next camp. Thank you!”
We have camps scheduled through the end of 2020. If you know of a child that is or has been impacted by substance abuse order, visit our camp page or contact the camp supervisor directly at (360) 605-7628.