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Lifeline Connections

4 Ways to Holistically Spring Clean

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be all physical work, but it can incorporate all different kinds of ways to feel refreshed and slough off the winter blues. For its major purposes, I think of spring cleaning as a way to revisit resolutions and feel accomplished for following through with a task. Whatever your reasons for doing some “spring cleaning” here are some ways that you can incorporate this tradition in your life, but with a new twist:

Take a class
This may not sound like a way to necessarily clean, but think of this as a mental stimulation that can help you refresh old skills or to throw out old habits and hobbies in search of new ones. Classes can be time consuming depending on the subject, and sticking to a new goal might help you get rid of wasteful activities that you have been meaning to kick. Look through your local community college, parks and rec department, or consider online classrooms like or where there are a myriad of classes for free.

Explore a new area near you
Again, doesn’t sound like spring cleaning, but consider how experiencing something new can help you feel like you’ve put off something that you may have done just out of comfort in search of something new. It takes some guts to be able to get rid of something you’ve been holding onto like a lamp or some tools, but when you do, you may notice that you don’t miss it as much as you thought or that you like the new things you have made room for. Finding a new hiking trail or even a pretty new place to drive around might cause you to find a new place that you could learn to love and enjoy.

Track your diet habits
Tracking what you eat and do physically sounds boring- at least to me. I have done this on a few occasions, and found that it has some serious merits. For example, it is insightful and it helps me to be intentional about my future decisions with exercise and meals. It has also caused me to rethink about how easily I let things in my life determine how I treat my body. Doing this showed me that I tend to eat more snack foods and carbs on hard days, and healthy on good days. Now, I make a point of trying to put off attaching my eating to feelings I am having and stick to healthier choices. It also helped me find room in my day to exercise. If you have a smartphone and would like to find a way to start, use the Myfitnesspal app or Sworkit if you need some at home assistance with exercise.

Consider spring cleaning in a new way
Have you heard of the book called The Art of Tidying Up? I haven’t personally read it, yet- something I look forward to doing soon- but I have been told several times about what the gist of it is. That is, to take each item in your home as you clean, hold it up to yourself and ask, “Does this bring me joy?” This minimalist approach to deciding on what to keep and why may sound weird to you, but it might help you stop overthinking the purpose for your items and give you a chance to free your mind as you clean. In my experience, I keep junk around when I think too much about it. This philosophy has also been helpful for me when I am buying something. I used to rationalize and check the price a thousand times before buying something and then often getting buyers’ remorse. Now, if I pick it up and it doesn’t bring me joy, I tend to put it down. I buy less now, but I also buy more intentionally. All my fears of buying before tend to dissipate with this process. If this doesn’t sound like your thing right now, consider another organizational book or find a good website that might

Spring can be an opportunity to rejuvenate your home, mind, and spirit. So, consider these new tactics when you are looking for a way to make a memorable year. At Lifeline Connections near Portland, OR, we are all about turning over a new leaf and rejuvenating your goals to live a clean life. With our many options, you’ll find something to fit your needs and desires. We offer a customized plan with a one-on-one recovery counselor as well as options for deaf guests and guests co-occurring disorders. Whatever it is, we want to hear your questions or desire for change. Call or email us at:
Phone: 360-397-8246 ext. 7580

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