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Lifeline Connections

4 Ways You Can Contribute to Alcohol Awareness Month

It’s that time: Alcohol Awareness Month. While it may seem like alcohol awareness is a done deal- we all know that it negatively affects many people- there are many reasons why we need to always remember the potentially damaging effects of alcohol. With each new generation, there are still large numbers of adolescents and adults who need serious help to move toward recovery. Each new group of adolescents and young adults are facing different challenges that we may never have imagined. Because of these new challenges, it is important that we always remember the value of good education and habits and make them known. So, if you are feeling generous or motivated to be a part of the awareness for the month, here are 4 suggestions of how you can contribute:

  • Donate.  You’re thinking, “Well, duh, but that’s not creative.” But have you ever really considered this option? Sure, a facebook plug could help, but there are people out there who make it their job to spread awareness as efficiently as possible, who need your funding. Even a little bit can go a long way. Go to right now, and a pop-up will come up on the bottom of your screen that will ask you to donate.
  • Provide Information. Does your work, church group, or volunteer association provide a newsletter? Do you feel comfortable posting something on Facebook or Instagram? If you aren’t in charge, ask to add a blurb about April being Alcohol Awareness Month. But if it’s your own, take some initiative and post something this week. You can mention that alcoholism is a disease that deserves treatment, not stigmas, or that every person deserves a chance at recovery. Provide statistics, information about local AA programs, or al-anon programs. Even something short might help someone you haven’t thought of or show someone that you can be a resource for helpful information.
  • Give Back. Another option to think about would be to find a group that needs real (wo)manpower. Partnership for Drug-Free Kids is an organization that provides help to families who are struggling with addiction. Through this organization, you can activate local businesses, host a film screening, or even just shop through Amazon Smile. For this last option, you just need to go to and click on Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and the organization will receive 0.5% of your purchases. Basically, you donate without even having to spend any extra money.
  • Share your story. I believe that it should go without saying that by providing your personal experience, you are providing awareness. Many people don’t think that drug and alcohol use is a problem simply because they don’t have intimate conversations with others about it. It may seem difficult, but in my experience, it is the most successful way to touch others who may be struggling or to inspire those who don’t understand. Be open about your or a loved one’s recovery with others and you will be surprised about how much good it does when someone can put themselves in your shoes.

There is a way for everyone to spread awareness. Not everyone is in the same circumstance, so choose which one is best for you. This blog, for example, is one of the many ways that Lifeline Connections spreads awareness to the Vancouver, WA or Portland, OR areas. If you or a loved one is in search of help, just know that we deeply care and want to provide you with the best services available. Our residential treatment offers a one-on-one recovery coach and a custom treatment plan. We have in and out of house activities, group time, down time, and all of the tools you will need to live a successfully drug and alcohol free life. Feel free to call or email us with any questions or if you are ready to take the next step.

Phone: 360-397-8246 ext. 7580


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