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Lifeline Connections

Lifeline Connections implements an electronic health record system



Lifeline Connections | Implementation Success Story
Making Your EHR the Configurable System You Need It to Be

CareLogic Implementation Success Story | Lifeline Connections in Vancouver, Washington, helps more than 3,000 people find hope and healing every year, by treating substance use and mental health conditions with deep compassion and steadfast care, working with clients every step of the way to help them discover and build their own strengths.

Lifeline Connections went live on the CareLogic EHR platform, from Qualifacts, in August, 2017, in a hybrid conversion from paper clinical records and an electronic billing system.

In the months since GoLive, the growing agency has gained insights and improvements across its services and operations, from clinical documentation to billing efficiencies that weave the Golden Thread through treatment and claims.

Today, Lifeline Connections has the knowledge and skill to customize the highly configurable CareLogic EHR platform on the fly to meet frequently changing requirements and needs, driven by enhancements to care and services, and pressures from payers, funders, and regulators.

Here are highlights of the implementation success Lifeline Connections has found to date with the CareLogic EHR platform:

Implementation Success in Driving Clinical Outcomes
“We are required to have treatment plans for clients, with guidelines around dates,” said Brandy Branch, Chief Clinical Officer. “Funding is tied to measurement, and being able to track outcomes, and see when documentation is completed is important. Having the data at our fingertips is critical for making informed decisions.”

✔ Implementation Success in Enhancing Quality
“ We have multiple locations, so CareLogic has been helpful for quality management,” Branch said.

      ✔ “I can do 10 file reviews from my desk in the time it would have taken me to drive to our other locations.”
      ✔ “Care Teams can see histories without having to ask for paper files.”

✔ Implementation Success in Gaining Billing Efficiencies
“CareLogic shows us all the services a client is receiving. No claims are sent until the documentation is signed,” Branch said.

“Care teams have more visibility into services when we have clients in multiple programs, over “ I can see the service history, (number of times a person has been seen).”

✔ Implementation Success in Supporting the Golden Thread

“It’s three times faster to send out a correct claim than to send out a claim that comes back and has to be fixed,” said Linda Burnham, EHR Specialist.
✔ “Claims are going out the door validated on the front end, and checked against signed documentation, with CareLogic ensuring that the right claim has the right signed documentation.”

Partnering for Success from the Start | “Qualifacts went about the implementation with us very systematically, breaking it down as we went, until we had the system we need, to meet our requirements, with the forms and documents our staff requires,” Burnham said.

The configurability of CareLogic is an ongoing benefit for Lifeline Connections, and one that the agency manages itself now: “We can make our own changes, ourselves, day to day,” Burnham said.

Partnering for the Future | “When we have questions, the Qualifacts support team doesn’t just give answers, they give explanations,” Branch said. “I love that. They give us the step-by-step, so we learn.”

Benefits for Clinicians, Providers and Staff | “ The staff used to write notes, and give them to data entry staff, who entered the information into the billing system,” Branch said. “That’s all gone now.”

      ✔Accuracy and efficiency
      ✔ Documentation effectiveness

Benefits for Management and Leadership | “ Clinical documentation that needs to be signed has to be completed before clients are discharged, which is great, from a compliance perspective,” Branch said

Agency policy makers can collaborate effectively
o Standardize care to your practices
o Support your Programs
o Maintain the Golden Thread

“Qualifacts is known for our Implementation methodology and processes, to support customers coming to us from paper records or other EHRs,” said Robert Patton, Senior Director of Operations at Qualifacts. “Lifeline Connections is finding continued success with CareLogic, after a fast and smooth GoLive.”

About Qualifacts® | Qualifacts is one of the most trusted technology providers of Electronic Health Records (EHR) for Behavioral Health organizations. Qualifacts’ EHR technology and services simplify the increasing complexities facing behavioral health providers, enabling them to quickly adapt to the accelerating pace of change. As a strategic partner, Qualifacts helps customers focus on what is most important – client care – by optimizing efficiency and productivity while also keeping them ahead of the ever-changing regulatory landscape to maximize reimbursements. For more information, visit .

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