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Lifeline Connections


Four Steps to Reduce Stress

Everyone experiences stress at one time or another and it isn’t always a bad thing. There are types of good, motivating stress. Stress has can help accomplish goals, increase motivation and boost a person’s memory. However too much of anything isn’t good for you. Stress can be taxing on your immune system and your general physical and mental health. This is why it’s so important to know how to reduce stress when you experience higher levels of it.

Identify the cause of your stress

Whether it is your job, family or something else, take a step back from the situation. This might help you to decide what steps you can take to reduce the level of stress it’s causing. This could mean to take some time for you; practice relaxation techniques like breathing or yoga. It also might be helpful to see a therapist. Talking to someone about your stress might also help gain a different perspective to help create solutions that you can act on.

1. Create schedules and use checklists

To minimize stress and last minute tasks, keep track of all of the important things you need to accomplish and then prioritize them. This can help you become more efficient and create a sense of accomplishment as you check these items off the list.

2. Take time for yourself

Life is busy. It’s important to find the time to take care of yourself. This could be simply sitting down to relax for a few minutes, watching a movie, taking a bath or spending time with friends. Setting aside time in the day to collect yourself will help bring things into perspective with what you want to accomplish. Even just ten minutes a day can help you recuperate and prepare for the days ahead.

3. Exercise and relax

Exercise greatly reduces stress and helps boost your immune system. This can also be one of the ways you can take time for yourself and get a break from the stresses you’re experiencing. Relaxation can involve anything from listening to calming music, trying yoga or deep breathing exercises.

4. Set Small Goals

When building a schedule or future plans, it is integral for stress management that you understand and realize the limits of what you physically and mentally can and cannot do. Make your goals attainable that you know you can accomplish. It will help you from becoming overwhelmed and create a happier, reduced-stress lifestyle.

What If You Still Feel Overwhelmed?

Lifeline Connections is committed to long-term mental wellness for our patients. We offer an integrated, holistic approach that includes therapy and case management. Our doctors specialize in the treatment of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, working to solve ones that have a compounding effect. Contact us and reclaim your life.

Contact a doctor for a referral or find a therapist. They can work to design a custom plan for wellness.  Secure treatment is over the phone or computer with telehealth, providing coping skills for grief, loss, depression and anxiety. They will work with you one-on-one to get you feeling better.

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