Lifeline Connections
Whether you were unable to attend one of our events, or would like to watch it again, our video library hosts all of our recorded events.
We have videos ranging from fundraisers to community conversations.
COVID-19 and Behavioral Health: Now What?
With the deployment of vaccines, the COVID-19 virus is coming under control. But the trauma of isolation, grief, fear, economic impact and other societal crises that accompanied the pandemic has triggered a second epidemic of rising substance use and mental health disorders.
View this event for an important community conversation!
Making the House a Home
Thank you to those that helped furnish the Men’s Low-Intensity Residential treatment program!
This is now home to 16 residents for an average stay of six months and provide stable housing and counseling services for individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorder issues.
Breakfast with the CEO
The announcement of our Community Award winners, share updates of new and ongoing programs at Lifeline Connections and includes a Q&A session with our CEO Jared Sanford and Board Vice-President Edie Blakley.