Community Foundation for Southwest Washington, Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health Meet Lifeline COVID-19 Needs
Even before Washington State Governor Jay Inslee issued a stay-at-home order, the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington put together a COVID-19 Response Fund to help local nonprofits serving those hit hardest by the pandemic. Within a week, Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health announced its own round of emergency funding.
Combined, support from these funds allowed Lifeline Connections to rapidly deploy telehealth services across Southwest Washington. This effort ensures that all patients continue receiving the essential treatment they need for their behavioral health disorders. And just last week, the Community Foundation stepped up again with a second gift that will ensure Lifeline’s six inpatient units have PPE and cleaning supplies to provide safety for everyone who needs critical on-site treatment.
“Our patients are especially vulnerable right now,” said Jeri Mortimore, Lifeline’s Fund Development Director. “Recovery happens when you can connect with other healthy people—and social/physical distancing makes that hard. Because of the support from these two wonderful community partners, no one needs to feel they’re alone and without the help they need. And those who need to come in for care can feel safe doing so.”
Patients say it’s making a difference. One person put it this way: “I really appreciate the consistent telephone contact. It shows that you guys really care about us.”
A huge shout-out to the Community Foundation for Southwest Washington and Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health for quickly responding and being excellent community partners. Thank you!